How to improve your energy, naturally
Are you feeling tired and you’re not sure why?
I get it, it sucks. I have experienced this myself at different times throughout my life.. the good news is that there are some easy steps you can take at home to improve your energy levels, naturally!
1. You are what you eat
Your body and brain needs calories to make energy, making sure you are eating enough is the first step in improving your energy levels. Include protein, healthy fat and a low-GI carbohydrate with all meals
2. Plan your rest
Planning rest is just as important as your food and movement. Aim for at 7-9 hours every night. Mamas of small children – plan this over a 24-hour period. Take a nap when your little one does to catch up! Shift workers; supporting yourself with some targeted herbs and nutrients can help with the transition.
3. Sunlight exposure
Sunlight exposure regulates your circadian rhythm (your body’s internal clock). When you wake up, go outside and sit in the sun. Aim to do this within the first hour of waking. If you have children, take them outside for breakfast for a cup of tea once you get up.
4. Move Your Body
Movement can sometimes be the last thing you feel like doing when you’re tired.. however moving your body will help your body make more energy by increasing mitochondrial function (these are the powerhouses inside your cells responsible for making energy). You don’t have to start with an intense exercise class; I recommend starting small by going for a gentle walk, go to a yoga class, do what you enjoy!
5. Mind Your Stimulants
It may not feel like it, but relying on stimulants like caffeine and/or sugar to get you through the day is doing the opposite to what you want it to do. You will experience a sharp increase of energy and then a crash! Limit coffee to 1 single-shot coffee per day and 2 cups of black tea. Consider foods high in sugar like cakes, sweets, lollies, chocolate, muffins, banana bread etc as an occasional food (ideally, once a week).
6. Manage stress
Stress will deplete your energy levels. Creating sustainable stress-relieving habits is essential for supporting energy levels! Make time in your calendar for what you love throughout your week.
7. Check your levels
There are some key nutrients that directly affect your energy levels. If you are doing all of these things and are not seeing an improvement, or if you are finding it difficult to implement these strategies, don’t keep struggling.. reach out! There are some key nutrients we can test or some functional testing may be helpful; things like your gut health and thyroid will significantly impact your energy levels!