Understanding your Fertile Window

Understanding your fertile window is important for your overall health and wellbeing; yes, even if you are wanting to avoid pregnancy.

If you are wanting to conceive now, or in the future, learning this now and getting to know your body will empower you with the right tools for when that time comes. It may also help you identify any areas to work on in preparation.

If avoiding pregnancy is your goal and you aren’t on hormonal birth control; knowing this can form part of a natural contraception method.

why understanding your fertile window matters

It matters for every woman, because ovulation is essential for optimal hormone balance. Without it you do not produce a special hormone called progesterone.. and we all want optimal progesterone levels. Low progesterone levels can cause:

  • Increased stress and anxiety

  • Irregular menstrual periods

  • Spotting

  • Headaches

  • Shorter or longer menstrual cycles

  • To support a healthy pregnancy and reduce incidence of miscarriage 

  • It cause an imbalance to your oestrogen to progesterone ratio 

  • Weight gain

when is your fertile window? 

In a healthy menstrual cycle you experience bleeding (during your period), then your vulva is dry, mucous/discharge is present and your vulva is dry again. Then your next cycle starts on day 1 of your next period. This cycle continues, unless of course you conceive. 

Your fertile window starts at the first sign of any mucous or discharge; it should be a noticeable change. Ovulation occurs when there is discharge and as your body is closer to ovulation, the quantity of mucous increase and so does the water content so it may because more fluid-like, some explain it is like egg-white consistency. 

Some women experience an increase in libido at this time; if you don’t it may be a sign of an underlying hormone balance.

how to assess this at home

  • Start paying attend to your menstrual cycle and the changes that occur 

  • Note down when there is mucous present and how the consistency changes 

  • If you do this and find you aren't seeing much of a change, get in touch and we can chat.

If you want to dive deeper into this, my Cycle Masterclass is available to watch anytime via my shop OR take it one step further and..

Join the wait list for the next round of the Hormone Mastery Program!

xo Ell 

Master Your Menstrual Cycle Masterclass
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How to avoid endocrine (hormone) disrupting chemicals & why it matters


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