As a Women’s Health & Hormone Naturopath, I support women to seeking a natural solution to support their health and hormones

You feel confused about your health and you don’t know where to start.

Your period is out of whack and you want to experience symptom-free, regular cycles.

You want to stop hormonal birth control (eg the pill, mirena, implanon) and are afraid of rebound symptoms.

You have never understood your hormones and you are ready to take your body literacy to the next level.

You need support around your fertility, preconception care, pregnancy or postpartum.

You are in your perimenopause years (35-50) and need support

You are curious what what supplements to take, and if they are necessary?

You have been told your thyroid is low functioning and you want to avoid hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s

If you are ready to address the root cause of your health concerns, you have come to the right place.

work together 1:1

  • Free Chat

    Do you want to see if we are the right fit? Do you have some questions about working together? Book a free 15 minute chat and I can answer your questions.

    Please note: Intro chats are on Thursdays, if this does not suit, please contact me to arrange another day.

  • New Client Appointment

    Online or in-person

    This is the starting place for our work together.

    During this comprehensive consultation we will dive into your health history and goals. We will create a personalised plan to get you there, including diet and lifestyle recommendations and referrals for additional testing if necessary. Plus I will provide herbal and nutritional medicine prescription if indicated.

  • Existing Client Appointment

    Online or in-person

    During this consult we will evaulate your progress, including tweaks to your treatment plan which may include further pathology and functional testing referrals, provide specialised guidance and any necessary adjustment to your prescription.

free 15 minute chat


keep in touch with ell

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Id love to know what brought you here and what you