Why women need to supplement with magnesium
Find out why all women need to be taking magnesium and why the right form of magnesium matters.
Holistic support for Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a chronic health condition that causes severe emotional, cognitive and physical symptoms in the luteal phase (1-2 weeks before menstruation). Learn what steps you can take to support your body holistically.
Natural remedies for managing morning sickness
Morning sickness is a normal part of pregnancy and there is a lot of variation in the severity of symptoms. Find out what strategies you can implement to help manage your symptoms.
Women’s guide to a healthy vaginal microbome
Did you know that like your gut, your vagina has a microbiome of friendly and (sometimes) not-so-friendly bacteria. Find out what every woman needs to know about supporting a healthy vaginal microbiome and avoid things like thrush, bacterial vaginosis and recurrent UTI’s.
When to test your hormones and why day 21 testing may not be optimal
Learn when to test your hormones and why the standard day 21 testing may not be optimal for you
7 Strategies to Heal Your Hashimoto’s
Learn 7 strategies to heal your Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism