The fourth trimester, as a Mama of two

Somehow our new family member is 3 months old.

I remember when I had my first babe and at about 6 weeks, someone told me to hang in there and that things start to ease from 3 months. I was struggling with sleep deprivation and isolation in the middle of lockdown; hearing this helped.

Second time around there is certainly more ease and confidence; sure this unique human has his own personality and needs but I have been here before. I am used to operating on less sleep and I trust that any difficult phase will pass.

This time around I feel like the fourth trimester has flown by. I have to remind myself he is only 3 months old.

With my first babe I really sunk into the ethos of the fourth trimester, lots of rest and taking it slow for 12 weeks following birth. But in reality when you shift into multiple children it’s pretty unrealistic to have the same experience. The older ones still need to go to the park, school, burn out that energy etc.

I’ve had a this conversations with a fair few Mamas who had their second child before I did. They all agreed.

So here are the things I really focused on during my fourth trimester with a baby and a toddler:

  • Nourishing my body with whole foods

  • Focusing on a high protein diet to support recovery and repair

  • Eating slow cooked meats as they are easier for my body to digest

  • Spending some time laying vertical during the day to help my pelvic floor recover

  • Taking my postpartum supplements; a new prescription specifically to support postpartum and breastfeeding

  • Having some blood work done

  • Spending time outside everyday

  • Enjoying my coffee every damn day

  • Moving my body in ways that felt good

  • Prioritising some moments of solitude when I can

  • Seeing my mum friends regularly; friends with kids the same age is so so important.

  • Be easy on myself because adjusting to bigger family is going to take time for each of us.

If you are in your fourth trimester or will be soon; take it slow, honour how you feel, set boundries. The nights may feel long, but the newborn snuggles are precious and fleeting.

With love, xo El


how to plan your postpartum